Brexit – Word of the Year bij Collins

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Woordenboekmaker Collins heeft Brexit uitgeroepen tot Woord van het Jaar: ‘After seeing an ‘unprecedented surge’ in use, the term is said by lexicographers to be ‘politics’s most important contribution to the language for 40 years’, schrijft The Guardian vandaag. Brexit heeft onder meer zijn concurrent Trumpism ver achter zich gelaten: ‘The dictionary publisher said that Brexit saw its first recorded usage in 2013, but has since increased in use by more than 3,400% this year as the referendum approached in June, and as the ramifications have played out since. Such an increase, said Collins, is “unheard of” since it began monitoring word usage. “‘Brexit’ is arguably politics’s most important contribution to the English language in over 40 years, schrijft The Guardian er vandaag over.

Misschien moeten we het Brexicon nog maar eens onder de aandacht brengen.

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